I am working on a project for my Jobs for bay state class. So far I have the handout and the wordsearch puzzle I made done all I have to do is make enough copies for my class mates in order to do that I have to ask my teacher how many students are in the class. I also have got 3 minutes and 40 seconds of my video done which is the photoshop tutorial. Next I am going to be telling stuff about Scott. May 9th is my presentation so Sometime after may 9th it will be on youtube. I just don't want to post it on youtube before than because someone may take my video and make it theirs and that would be bad. So it's only like a week and 3 days. I am making the video using Windows live movie maker as I do with all my videos. This project has been really fun so far. I have been really busy lately I promise I will tweet more and stuff soon but Until May 9th I really don't have much time because I have so much appointments and everything and this project takes up most of my free time. It has to be 10 minutes so I am working really hard on it. It is going to be a awsome video and I am so excited to share it with all of my classmates and especially Youtube. It is comming out very good :) After my project on may 9th I have 12 days until my summer =) I am so excited for summer. I am going to be 18 July 10th I'm thinking of having a Scott Isbell and James Massone cake this year. My 16th Birthday I had a Justin Bieber cake and for my 17th Birthday I had a Scott Isbell Cake.